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Fan fiction - the first chapter!

I Swear, I Do It For You

This is going to be the main site where I will post my almost completed first fan fiction - I Swear, I Do It For You. I'm hoping to have this done before June 19th, no promises though. I tried that once, and yeah, my story was supposed to over I think two Christmases ago. Just pray that it will get done - it NEEDS to get done. So enjoy it, and I hope to have it in some sort of organized format.
Updates happen at random times, my schedule changes from day to day, and that is how I live. Inspiration hits, I write, I never try to force anything, cause then it just sucks. It you ever need to contact me about anything you ever want to talk about I'm at Amk611@aol.com, or just say hi to Amk611 or UnicornJRT.
*N Sync

A random picture. Feel free to steal whatever you would like! No point in a having a picture if you all can't look at it forever and ever!

Other Website!
As I said up above, I have another site that is majorly under construction, and the provider is well one of the best for a beginner. However, I have over 300 sites now and half are just disappearing and it is hard to keep is all updated. Anyway to see some of what is actually left you can go check out -

What's Up Ya'll

And yes, here is the site at which I will be undergoing major construction for my home page!
Brian's Little Sister

Backstreet Boys
Thought I didn't like my other babies! I live for pop!
Comments, Questions, and yes Critism is alway welcome! Amk611@aol.com

Ya'll come back and visit now! Sure, I'm from B-more! Love ya!