Hi! I started reading these fanfictions, as you all would call them, at the begining of the summer. I got hooked. Then I decided you know my life with all the guys it just as interesting as any of the other stories. I have to say I'm not the best writer, but I will get help some of my friends.
To start, I'm Ami Liz, however I'm mostly known as Ames. I'm 18 on June 11th. I'm 5'8, blue eyes, blonish brown somewhat curly hair. I'm not all the pretty in my opinion, my figure is kinda filled out in certain places, my sister is even worse. However, I must say she is thinner.
Her name is Kariann, many people call her Key.She will be 17 on September 13. She is 5'7", blue eyes, short brown strait hair. Her biggest passion is softball. Well enough about her, I got to continue.
Kelli, is our new neighbor. She is rather short and just starting to mature physically. Her B-day is June 19th and will turn the great age of 18. Her hair is midium length, light brown, and dead strait. She has blue/green/hazel eyes. Although she is only child, and rather shy, you'll grow to love her.
Samantha, known as Sam, and whatever name you can come up with for her, is the girlfriend to Tyler Chasez. She is tall, thin, and very hyper. She will turn 17 on Nov. 23. She loves to joke around, and be peppy all the time. What I would give for an 8th of her energy. Anyway, she is 5'10", brown eyes, and long brown curly hair.
Now Tyler, you all probably wondering. He is JC's kid brother. Who is to be 18 but still had senior year left. He is tall, 5'11" 6 feet, blond hair, blue eyes, athletic, and shows no signs of being jealous and alomst completely different from his older brother.
Well, they are the main characters I think you may need to be introduced to. I'm sure you have all heard of every guy from *N Sync, BSB, Britney, Christina.
Oh wait, Ryan Gosling-from Young Hercules. He was Justin's best friend during the MMC years.
One more tibit: I moved to Maryland a few months before graduating from high school. As a child, I lived across the street from Brian, yes, Brian from BSB. So there is no starstruckness, towards Nick, AJ, Howie, Kevin, and Brian, because I knew them when they were starting out. That could be a story in its self. Anyway, hope you all like my story of one summer that couldn't stop getting warmer. I like using all those flowery stuff.
Enjoy the romances, arguements, jokes, fights, cutenesses, shynesses, and every other thing possible, when you live with the stars.
